Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Unreliable Third

Sam sits at a table in the coffee shop by himself. He pulls the designer sunglasses from his face as he sips his latte and savors it noticeably. The table next to him stops drinking and stares at Sam trying to place him. The couple look at each other and his wife's eyes seems to light up like she's got it. Sam smirks to himself. He always did enjoy being recognized by the public. It's the perk of being famous for highly regarded films. She leans over and taps him on the shoulder. Sam pretends he didn't see her already.

"Yes?" Sam acts perfectly like the surprised celebrity expecting he can go out in public without being seen.

"You're Sam Taylor, aren't you?" She blinks her eyes batting her eyelashes. She's flirting with him in front of her boyfriend two seconds into speaking to him for the first time. He loves his life, but plays the surprised and reluctant star.

"I am, actually. Fan or foe?" He raises his eyebrow playfully and she giggles a bit too much. She's definitely flirting with him.

"Fan. I'm a big fan." She blushes and turns away. The man at her table rolls his eyes a bit.

"How about you, sir? Do you share your lovely girlfriend's views on my work?" His compliment to the pretty girl is twisted to seem like it's really to the boyfriend. Look at you, Sam seems to say. You've got an attractive girlfriend. That must mean you've got something going for you.

The line lands perfectly and the man's eyes come back into focus as he smiles beside himself at Sam. "I enjoy your films. I may like you for different reasons than most women do. Fire Fire and Doom was pretty good."

Always one to expand on someone's compliment for him, Sam explains his feelings about the film in mixed metaphors stopping short of making the couple drift off into thought. He changes subjects to focus on them enjoying being engaged with fans. "Do you two have any big plans tonight? A nice date planned?"

"We were actually just discussing where to go for dinner. It's our 3 month dating anniversary and we can't agree on a place for a nice meal that we'll both enjoy." Sam jumps in with a suggestion.

"Have you considered Pasta Palace? The place with the ads for 'Eat like and Emperor, pay like a pauper.' It's quite excellent, if I do say so myself which I am doing. Saying so myself." Sam gives her the award winning smile and she blushes again. The boyfriend is not so sure.

"I'm not sure. I wanted to take her someplace nice and the prices there don't make me think of fancy restaurant." Sam nods as if agreeing with him, but continues on with his point.

"I can see where you might think that, but it's quite nice. I've been there many times myself. There's an authentic feel to the interior and you feel like you are in another country. The aromas are quite appetizing and you'll find yourself trying to order an appetizer before you get to your table. I've taken to asking for a calamari appetizer whenever I come in so it can be ready by the time I get to my seat and order a drink." The boyfriend still appears skeptical, so Sam continues. "What kind of food do you enjoy?"

The boyfriend stammers a bit seemingly surprised by the celebrity's interest in his preferences. "I tend to like a bit spicier meals and she likes more savory items like a nice French meal."

"well that's easy enough. I've gone in many directions depending on my taste at the time. I've had the Spicy Carbonara dish which I think you'll find quite satisfying to your spice preferences. I've also had the Chicken Marsala which takes savory to new levels with the tomato base and slow cooked flavor. If that's not enough, the tiramisu is phenomenal. Probably the best I've had anywhere and who doesn't like tiramisu."

The couple makes eye contact and seems to agree that it sounds like a place they would both enjoy. "That actually does sound really good. Would you care to join us there?" The raised eyebrows show Sam that he is in danger of making an enemy of the boyfriend and recovers quickly.

"No, I don't want to intrude on an anniversary meal between two people so in love as you two." The boyfriend seems to have taken the comment at face value as big goofy grin crosses his face and he takes the woman's hand. Together they wave from the door and walk away. As if to an invisible stranger over his right shoulder, he smiles and delivers the 'Eat like an emperor, pay like a pauper.'

"Cut!" A man rushes to Sam and clapping his hands enthusiastically. The camera crew begins pulling the cameras back and adjusting lighting.

"Great, Sam. We got that perfectly in one take. The Pasta Palace wanted to make sure I mentioned to you that they are excited about your work with their ad project and want to offer you a lifetime pass for free food for you and three others to any Pasta Palace in the country. That's very nice of them." The director smiled as if he were the one giving Sam the gift. Sam smiles back at him.

"No thanks." He tries to drop his smile at the same time as the director, but he wonders if he's left his smile up too long.

"Why would you pass on a gift like that?" The wrinkle in the director's forehead reminded Sam that he needs to get more botox next week.

"I don't eat that shit." Sam turned to his personal assistant and signals for him to come to him. "Can you freshen this up? The irish cream is running out and I'm actually able to taste the crap they serve here."