Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Levitation comes from the Latin word levitas meaning "lightness". It is described in Webster's dictionary as the act or process of levitating especially the rising or lifting of a person or thing by means held to be supernatural. Some heroes may use high tech devices to mimic a sort of anti-gravity or a propulsion system giving the body release from the bonds of gravity, but true levitation comes from the constant stable suspension beyond the earth's gravitational forces. Some super small objects maybe be able to be levitated by the use of the Casimir effect by equalizing the force between two plates causing no field of magnetic force. Human beings are incapable of levitation without mechanical means.

Tony awoke from a dream of kittens leaping from a cliff into the icy blue water of the Pacific ocean. He had fallen asleep 45 minutes earlier on the bus watching the billboards in the city go by leading him to this strange imagery. He now sees puppies chasing giant red tennis balls in an empty swimming pool. Before long he's back to the cliff watching the kittens leap only now they don't reach the water. They've begun to soar into the clouds followed by the tennis balls and followed by the chasing puppies. A psychiatrist would see a simple mind looking for the simple pleasures of childhood. A 28 year old man should not be thinking of such odd things.

This thought is still floating in his mind when he opens his eyes to a bus load of people watching him. They stare up at him confused by the 5 foot 8 inch man. Even the tall biker looking man with the severe handlebar mustache is staring up at him. His butt is not numb from the hard seat like his typical 2 hour bus ride's usual results. He looks to his shoes and sees his shoelace is untied and dangling over the back of the seat in front of him. The tips barely touch the seat back as Tony is floating four feet above his seat.

His head is pressing against the bars on the ceiling for a few seconds before he comes crashing to his seat. His left ankle lands on the seat back in front of him and his head bangs into the plexiglass window. He is still swearing under his breath when the bus slams to a halt and the bus driver demands he get off the bus.

"How do you expect me to get home? I'm in the middle of nowhere at least an hour from my stop!"

"Why should I care you freak? Fly home for all I care, just get off my damn bus." The bus driver now has the large biker guy behind him supporting the intimidation factor. Tony takes the hint and grabs his bag before walking to the rear doors and pressing his way onto the shoulder of highway 98. After an hour of walking, he arrived at a small roadside motel. After arguing with the young man behind the counter reading a comic, Tony was forced to get a room until the morning bus could arrive. His sleep would not be as sound as the bus trip.

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