Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Chapter 01: We Are All Angels

The phone lines blink in an array of red across the switchboard at WCHR as Bishop Delaney and Rabbi Baum spoke. The Christian syndicated radio station hosted the Jewish leader in an attempt to broaden viewership and address criticism from local officials that the station was alienating sections of the community with a more radical view dismissing all other religions as foolish and useless. The religious figures had maintained a civil discussion, but each held their views as infallible and the conversation was hitting a wall of belief versus belief without reason or acceptance of opposing views.

"Let's break this up a bit and go to the phone lines." Johnny Treiger slapped his hand down on the switchboard at random connecting line 32. "You are live. What is your question?"

A female voice rang clear ripping into the brick wall of the Rabbi's beliefs with an notably un-Christian display of vulgarity before Johnny cut the line. "Let's try that again. You are live and remember to watch your language."

A young man loaded up and unleashed an anti-Christianity rant that managed to get twelve words before the vulgarity sang out again. Three more calls varied the attacks on each leader before each became too impassioned to be maintained civilly.

"Let's try one more time. You are live. Language and civility considerations are appreciated."

"Hi. I will be as civil and brief as I can be." The male voice calmly played out across the nation.

"We appreciate that. What is your comment or question?"

"No question, really. I just wanted to relay the meaning of life across the airwaves to hopefully break up the silliness that is this entire discussion you are having there today."

"Not so silly that you aren't listening in, I assume." Johnny smirks at his producer through the glass.

"Agreed. This came across my radio as I was flipping stations and had to pull over to give my two cents. Everybody that is listening and calling in with this deep rage in them over either side or both sides in this today need to step back. All religions are a joining of like minded people looking for guidance. We want to have some rules in the world to feel safe to be ourselves and live our lives, but we don't have tolerance for those wanting the same on their own set of rules. The truth is that... if you want peace, be peaceful. If you want tranquility, be tranquil. It isn't so hard. Be the change you want to see and stop taking everything so personal. You can only control what you do, so do it. And stop arguing so much. We have all heard actions speak louder than words, so go. Jimmy Tuscon. Signing off."

The line goes dead. Johnny Treiger and his two guests stare blankly across the booth at each other.

"Something to think about for us all." Johnny speaks, but his voice comes out in a hushed and subdued manner. "I see our guests are taking in the advice as well."

"True. Be well, Rabbi."

"And you also, Bishop."

In the booth, three men sit oblivious to the glow growing from their scalps. The entire radio station hums with the silence of the fluorescent lights and the subtle glow coming from the heads of all listening employees. From the station headquarters in New Jersey across the country in patches of listeners nationwide, the streets will be a little brighter in the evenings as millions of now docile listeners sport brand new halos.

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