Tuesday, June 3, 2008


William stood holding the revolver as his father struggled to his feet leaning heavily against the wall to lessen the weight on his body and slow the blood loss. The look in his father's eyes was exactly what he had hoped for when he dreamt of this moment. Terror and confusion. It would lead perfectly into the speech he had planned as his last salvo in ridding himself of the father who dumped him after birth.

"Who ever you are I won't call the police. Just take whatever you want. I don't have much that I didn't spend on booze and even that's gone now."

"From what I hear, that's no surprise. So did you fix yourself a drink fresh off your liver donation? Looking to waste anything tied to a son. That sounds like you." William took a couple of steps into the room and stepped to the sink. He found a pile of empty bottles turned upside down and no glass anywhere in the room to indicate the booze had gone to any good use that day. "What is this pile in the sink? Is this some kind of joke from your neighbors? Get rid of his booze while he's in the hospital in hopes of forcing you to stop killing yourself. I do have a similar goal to stop you from killing yourself and save that for me."
From the floor, Andrew struggled to one knee and faced his attacker. He instantly saw his same nose without the broken capillaries from years of drinking. He also recognized his wife's eyes. "William? Is it really you?"
William nodded a dramatic affirmation bowing at the same time. He hadn't planned out how long the identification game would play out, but the faster his father knew who he was, the less time the police would have to get there and stop him from his plan. "Very good. I'd thought you might have forgotten me after so many years. I know I had not forgotten you once I learned I was adopted and who you were as a human being, if you can call it that."
"I understand why you felt the need to do this. I deserve this and I'm truly sorry." Andrew stopped to cough as his breathing became labored. "If you do let me die here, please at least tell Jackson that I did intend to make good of his gift and that I owe you both the world for what I've done."

The last words spoken, Andrew Porter passed out on his kitchen floor. William could see he had done the damage he intended though he hadn't killed his father yet. His chest struggled to rise and fall, but it was still there. His estranged father lie on the floor at his feet near death and the only thing he wonder was why am I crying?

As he stood over his father, the phone rang. William picked it up with a hello and was greeted by a cheerful male voice.

"Andrew Porter? This is Aaron's Searchers with some quick and good news."

William placed the phone in the crook of his neck and went to the sink to wipe down his gun with a wet wash cloth. "How do you mean? What is this about?"

"You called us about 15 minutes ago, sir. About your son...uhhh...William. We spoke to St. Mary's and they gave us the information freely. They seemed excited to hear that a biological parent would change his mind and want to meet the child he abandoned. Anyways, we found him already and can give you all of the information including some additional background information on how he's doing and where he is today in our meeting Wednesday. I just wanted to tell you the good news and congratulate you personally."

William slammed the phone down as he stared at his father's collapsed body. What is happening to this family?

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