Monday, April 28, 2008

Green is the end (not really)

It had been a few weeks since any of them had been back to the surface and a bit of cabin fever was setting in for the six survivors of the Taft attacks. Bill had been the one to admit that he had picked up the land line telephone when it rang out of an old habit from before they had known they were being monitored. The signal sent upon picking up the phone alerted those things to another town of inhabitants back on the grid. The attack did not last long and they were the last six of the twenty inhabitants of the small community of Taft, Iowa. The ground began to rumble as it has been found to do seconds before the bubbling begins and the creatures rise.

As far as they had been able to figure over the past couple of months, the completion of the "How Green Your Planet" campaign which successfully pulled the planet off of depending on any grids for power or oil for creating the power was the beginning of the nightmare. It was the dream the environmentalists had tauted for years and it finally came to pass. Families would power their homes for an eternity on the various devices granted by their government. Wind turbines now gained efficiencies enough to power a small city on just three well placed machines. Individual households did not use his power for themselves after the finding that various waves of sunlight have different energy levels that could now be harnessed with near total efficiency and zero loss. The sudden drop in carbon footprint and CO2 creation was nearly as much of a shock to the planet as the dirty plants people had created a century before.

The monitoring stations near the polar ice caps noted the recreation of many new layers and sizes of glaciers. This was the last report before the teams communications went silent. The best anyone could assume was that these groups could not fully survive on the power of the wind and the solar trappings were negated by the longer periods of night in that region of the planet. A few old gasoline powers generators still existed. The exhaust would have been noticeable now that it would have been one of a minuscule number of points on the earth still putting out that level of CO2. The video captured on the net camera setup at the station was murky due to the bubbling rise up from the ground. These oily things made their way to surface, presumably, by the lack of obvious life thanks to the greening efforts. They must have laid in waiting for their time to rise and over take us when our numbers were low.

The miscalculation on their part did not weaken their strategy and our slow realization that they were not friendly did not cut into their forces. The steaming oil shapes took out multiple researchers on the video before the camera seemingly melted. These kinds of attacks were reported over the following weeks as various towns and cities mistakenly attempted to use old oil based power sources at various times quickly followed by reported earthquakes in the areas. By the time they hit Taft, most of the country had been hit at various times. The Taft hit made it apparent that these things had begun monitoring other utilities to find survivors. That's how Bill's gaffe with the phone was detected. That's how the six of them had ended up in an abandoned fall out shelter from the 1950s and why the other five people were now preparing to mutiny against him and toss him to whatever fate may lie outside the shelter door still.

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