Friday, April 25, 2008

A Movie Script is born

"Night falls on darkened city. No lights illuminate the skyscrapers tonight. I beautiful woman walks warily down an alley try to get home in the midst of the darkness. The darkness breeds the kind of hooligans a long standing power outage might. Those on the verge of riot without the conviction gained be a promise of long term radical loss of creature comforts. A beer bottle smashes to the street behind her as a couple of men step out from the shadows into...well, more shadows, but not as much shadow. The kind of less shadow that still has a bit of moonlight to make them visible enough to be menacing. The shorter one has his hand behind his back as he calls out for her to stop and come with them for her safety."

"She begins to run, but falls and looks up in time to see 5 men coming from another direction. One of them taunts her making lewd and threatening remarks and pulls out a gun. The shorter man yells back that she is with them and the other 5 can not have her. The one to speak first pulls out his gun and fires at the taller. Nothing but a metallic clang is heard because he shot the robot. Oh, yeah. I forgot. They are in the future and the shorter guy travels with a robot. The robot has infrared sight, so he is not concerned about the night since he can see everything no matter the amount of light. And, of course, he's a robot."

"The man with the gun fires at the shorter man this time, but hears the same metallic clang because he hits the robotic part of the shorter man's body. Oh, right. He's part cyborg on his mother's side. Not like a genetic cyborg thing, but her family is a bunch of scientists that helped rebuild him after a tragic lawn dart incident paralyzed him before another tragic lawn mowing incident. He didn't die because it was a manual mower and the guy pushing it was blind, but has since been fired. That leads to a discrimination lawsuit and the blind man wins the right to everything the family owns including the man he ran over because of the cyborg implants. So he makes him fight crime even though the shorter man was an old timey soda jerk by trade."

"To make a long story short, it's a love story and a buddy cop type movie as well. There are some trials, struggles and comical fish out of water story lines about being a machine in a human world, but they all learn to trust in goodness of humanity and there's a car chase too. Yeah, and maybe the car explodes. I'm still working that part out. I don't have the full plot together, but the title is going to be TinWalker, Texas robot ranger. I'm thinking we cast Chuck Norris in it somewhere as the chief and maybe that kid who played Darth Vader as the robot."

A rush of water fills the urinal as Martin Scorsese turns toward the bathroom attendant pitching his idea.

"If the robot can secretly be Hitler, I'm in."

Welcome to film making in the 21st century.

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