Friday, May 30, 2008

Brotherly love

"What are you talking about William?" Jackson's eyes widened as he pondered William's intentions. "He's changed since the surgery, William. He's not the same man that abandoned us both to fend for ourselves growing up." Jackson pleaded his case to William, but the long lost brother's eyes showed it was a futile gesture.

"Us? My abandonment goes well beyond yours. He gave you up to our grandparents. He gave me up to total strangers. I spent the first 12 years of my life assuming I was just the black sheep of a 5 child family, but I eventually learned enough math and biology to realize my 6 month age difference from the closest sibling wasn't likely to mean I was a delayed development twin. I didn't hang out in the womb for an extra six months and I don't have the physical deficiencies of a baby born after 6 months at most in my mother's womb. That's when I started asking questions that they avoided like I was asking about the tooth fairy or Santa Claus." William thrust his arms into the air in a sign of frustration nearly knocking the lamp off of the table.

"I was waved off like I was some brainless idiot. Like I was one of their other children. Those brainless clods that love to sing together in the car on family trips and willingly pass clothing from sibling to sibling like each ratty pair of pants was a family heirloom!" William began flailing dramatically, but Jackson was beginning to lose sight. His stitches has opened up more than he thought and he was bleeding freely on to the bed now.
"But he's still our father..." Jackson's strength was waining now and William appeared unconcerned about his brother's well being.

"Listen, Jackson. I don't hold any ill will towards you for how I grew up. You were trying to make your life into something that would not reflect any connection to our father and I truly respect that, but I can't imagine any situation on any planet where you wouldn't gladly allow that man to leave this life. That's why I'm here. I didn't want to do this without at least talking to you. I don't want you to feel you gave up part of your liver for nothing, so let me say this." William reaches into his pocket and pulls a small hand gun holding it down at his side.

"You've given me my father back so I can be the one to finish the job. Thank you, brother. It's the best gift you could have given me." Jackson passed out as William placed the gun back in his pocket. He stopped at the nurse's station on the way out and watched them scramble as he told them he thought his brother was going bleed to death. He waited for the floor to clear before he walked downstairs to his car.

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